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IAxiisRenderer — Interface, package org.axiis.core
An interface for objects that are used to render an item from the Axiis render cycle.
IDataTipManager — Interface, package org.axiis.managers
IDataTipManagers are responsible for laying out data tips.
IGraphicParent — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
index — Property, class org.axiis.core.AxiisSprite
The index into the layout's dataProvider where data is found.
index — Property, interface org.axiis.core.IAxiisRenderer
The index into the layout's dataProvider where data is found.
index — Property, class org.axiis.ui.DataTip
The index into the layout's dataProvider where data is found.
index — Property, class org.axiis.ui.TextDataTipContent
The index into the layout's dataProvider where data is found.
inheritFill — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
If set to true and no fill is defined and there is a parent object then this object will walk up through the parents to retrive a fill object.
inheritParentBounds — Property, class org.axiis.core.BaseLayout
Whether or not the drawingGeometries should should have their initial bounds set to the currentReference of the parent layout.
inheritStroke — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
If set to true and no stroke is defined and there is a parent object then this object will walk up through the parents to retrive a stroke object.
initFill(graphics:flash.display:Graphics, rc:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
Initialise the fill for this geometry object.
initialize(stack:com.degrafa.geometry.command:CommandStack) — method, class com.degrafa.decorators.axiis.AreaLineDecorator
initialize(stack:com.degrafa.geometry.command:CommandStack) — method, class com.degrafa.decorators.axiis.BaseLineAreaLineDecorator
initStroke(graphics:flash.display:Graphics, rc:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
Initialise the stroke for this geometry object.
innerRadius — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Wedge
The inner radius of the arc when used with a pie type closure.
innerRadius — Property, class org.axiis.layouts.ConcentricWedgeLayout
The distance from the center of the layout where the first wedge should be created
innerRadiusRatio — Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.WedgeStackGroup
The inner radius of the wedge as a ratio of the radius.
internalLabelFunction(value:String) — method, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.WedgeStackGroup
invalidate() — method, class org.axiis.core.AbstractLayout
Notifies the DataCanvas that this layout needs to be rendered.
invalidate — Event, class org.axiis.layouts.scale.AbstractScale
Dispatched when the data in the becomes invalid and the new min, max, sum, and average need to be computed.
invalidate() — method, class org.axiis.layouts.scale.AbstractScale
Marks this IScale as needing its minValue and maxValue recomputed.
invalidate() — method, interface org.axiis.layouts.scale.IScale
Marks this IScale as needing its minValue and maxValue recomputed.
invalidateAllLayouts() — method, class org.axiis.DataCanvas
Invalidates all layouts that this DataCanvas managers.
invalidated — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
Specifies whether this object is to be re calculated on the next cycle.
invalidated — Property, class org.axiis.layouts.scale.AbstractScale
Indicates that the scale should recalculate it's minimum and maximum values and layouts the next time either layoutToValue or valueToLayout is called.
invalidateDataProvider() — method, class org.axiis.core.AbstractLayout
Iterates over the items in the dataProvider and stores them in dataItems.
invalidateLayout — Event, class org.axiis.core.BaseLayout
Dispatched when invalidate is called so the DataCanvas that owns this layout can being the process of redrawing the layout.
inverseLerp(value:Number, min:Number, max:Number) — Static Method , class org.axiis.layouts.scale.ScaleUtils
Returns the percentage between min and max where you would find value.
IScale — Interface, package org.axiis.layouts.scale
IScale is an interface the defines the methods required to translate between a range of values and screen (layout) coordinate space.
isInvalidated — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
Returns true if this Geometry object is invalidated
isRootGeometry — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
Returns true if this Geometry object is a root Geometry Object.
item — Property, class org.axiis.events.LayoutItemEvent
The item which triggered the original Event this Object wraps
itemClick — Event, class org.axiis.core.BaseLayout
Dispatched when an AxiisSprite is clicked.
itemCount — Property, class org.axiis.core.AbstractLayout
The number of items in the dataProvider.
itemDataTip — Event, class org.axiis.core.AbstractLayout
Dispatched when an AxiisSprite is mousedOver.
itemDataTip — Event, class org.axiis.core.BaseLayout
Dispatched when an AxiisSprite is mousedOver.
itemDoubleClick — Event, class org.axiis.core.BaseLayout
Dispatched when an AxiisSprite is double clicked.
itemMouseMove — Event, class org.axiis.core.BaseLayout
Dispatched when an AxiisSprite is mousedOver.
itemMouseOut — Event, class org.axiis.core.BaseLayout
Dispatched when an AxiisSprite is mousedOut.
itemMouseOver — Event, class org.axiis.core.BaseLayout
Dispatched when an AxiisSprite is mousedOver.
itemPreDraw — Event, class org.axiis.core.BaseLayout
Dispatched before each individual child is rendered.
itemSelected — Event, class org.axiis.core.BaseLayout
Dispatched when an AxiisSprite is selected
itemUnSelected — Event, class org.axiis.core.BaseLayout
Dispatched when an AxiisSprite is unselected
iteration — Property, class org.axiis.layouts.utils.PropertyModifier
The current iteration of an active modification.
iterationLoopComplete — Property, class org.axiis.layouts.utils.GeometryRepeater
A flag indicating that the GeometryRepeater has finished repeating but the geometry's properties have not yet been restored to their original values.
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