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data — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
Allows a short hand property setting that is specific to and parsed by each geometry object.
data — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Wedge
EllipticalArc short hand data value.
data — Property, class org.axiis.core.AxiisSprite
The data that this AxiisSprite's geometries represent.
data — Property, interface org.axiis.core.IAxiisRenderer
The raw data for the object being rendered.
data — Property, class org.axiis.data.DataSet
The object produced during the most recent call to either processXmlString, processCsvAsTable, pivotTable, or aggregateData.
data — Property, class org.axiis.ui.DataTip
The raw data for the object being rendered.
DataCanvas — class, package org.axiis
DataCanvas manages the placement and the rendering of layouts.
DataCanvas() — Constructor, class org.axiis.DataCanvas
dataField — Property, class org.axiis.core.AbstractLayout
The property within each item in the dataProvider that contains the field used to determine the value of the item.
dataField — Property, class org.axiis.layouts.scale.AbstractScale
The name of the property of the Objects in the dataProvider that should be used when computing min, max, sum, and average values.
dataField — Property, interface org.axiis.layouts.scale.IScale
The name of the property of the Objects in the dataProvider that should be used when computing min, max, sum, and average values.
dataFilterFunction — Property, class org.axiis.core.AbstractLayout
This provides a way to further refine a layouts dataProvider by providing access to a custom filter data filter function.
dataFilterIndex — Property, class org.axiis.core.AbstractLayout
dataFontColor — Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.GroupingBase
The color of the labels.
dataFontFamily — Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.GroupingBase
The name of the dataFont used to render the labels.
dataFontSize — Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.GroupingBase
The size of the dataFont used to render the labels.
dataFontWeight — Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.GroupingBase
The weight ("normal" or "bold") of the labels.
DataGroup — class, package org.axiis.data
This class is supports the DataSet class for aggregation and grouping operations and should not be instantiated externally
DataGroup() — Constructor, class org.axiis.data.DataGroup
dataItems — Property, class org.axiis.core.AbstractLayout
An array of objects extracted from the dataProvider.
dataProvider — Property, class org.axiis.DataCanvas
A placeholder for data used by layouts managed by this DataCanvas.
dataProvider — Property, class org.axiis.core.AbstractLayout
An Array, ArrayCollection, or Object containing the data this layout should render.
dataProvider — Property, class org.axiis.layouts.scale.AbstractScale
The DataSet, ArrayCollection, Array, XML, etc.
dataProvider — Property, interface org.axiis.layouts.scale.IScale
The DataSet, ArrayCollection, Array, XML, etc.
DataSet — class, package org.axiis.data
DataSet is a data utility class that can be used for pre-proccesing of external data into usable Flex collections that are easy to process within Axiis Layouts.
DataSet() — Constructor, class org.axiis.data.DataSet
DataTip — class, package org.axiis.ui
A data tip is a tool tip that appears when the user mouses over an AxiisSprite.
DataTip() — Constructor, class org.axiis.ui.DataTip
dataTipAnchorPoint — Property, class org.axiis.core.AbstractLayout
An Object with x and y values used to determine the location of anchored data tips.
dataTipAnchorPoint — Property, class org.axiis.core.AxiisSprite
A point relative to the parentLayout that determines where anchored data tips should be positioned.
DataTipBackground — class, package org.axiis.ui
The default background used on data tips.
DataTipBackground() — Constructor, class org.axiis.ui.DataTipBackground
dataTipContentClass — Property, class org.axiis.core.AbstractLayout
A ClassFactory that creates the UIComponent that should be used in the data tip for this AxiisSprite.
dataTipContentClass — Property, class org.axiis.core.AxiisSprite
A ClassFactory that creates the UIComponent that should be used in the data tip for this AxiisSprite.
dataTipContentComponent — Property, class org.axiis.core.AbstractLayout
A component that gets passed to any data tip.
dataTipLabelFunction — Property, class org.axiis.core.AbstractLayout
A method used to determine the text that appears in the data tip for an item rendered by this layout.
dataTipManager — Property, class org.axiis.core.AbstractLayout
The IDataTipManager responsible for laying out data tips for children of this layout.
dataTips — Property, class org.axiis.managers.AnchoredDataTipManager
An array of data tips created by this manager.
dataTips — Property, class org.axiis.managers.FreeDataTipManager
An array of data tips created by this manager.
dataTips — Property, interface org.axiis.managers.IDataTipManager
An array of data tips created by this manager.
DateTimeScale — class, package org.axiis.layouts.scale
A scale that can be used to convert Dates to layout space.
decoratorCollection — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
Access to the Decorator collection object for this Geometry object.
decorators — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
A array of IDecorator objects to be applied on this Geometry.
defaultRadius — Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.PlotGroup
The default radius to use when radiusField is not specified
derive — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Wedge
An object to derive this objects properties from.
deselectChildren() — method, class org.axiis.core.AbstractLayout
Marks all children as deselected.
destroyAllDataTips() — method, class org.axiis.managers.AnchoredDataTipManager
Removes all data tips from the stage and performs and clean up.
destroyAllDataTips() — method, class org.axiis.managers.FreeDataTipManager
Removes all data tips from the stage and performs and clean up.
destroyAllDataTips() — method, interface org.axiis.managers.IDataTipManager
Removes all data tips from the stage and performs and clean up.
dispose() — method, class org.axiis.core.AxiisSprite
Prepares the AxiisSprite for garbage collection.
draw(graphics:flash.display:Graphics, rc:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
Begins the draw phase for geometry objects.
draw(graphics:flash.display:Graphics, rc:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class com.degrafa.geometry.Wedge
Begins the draw phase for geometry objects.
drawingGeometries — Property, class org.axiis.core.AbstractLayout
An array of geometries that should be drawn for each item in the data provider.
drawingSprites — Property, class org.axiis.core.AxiisSprite
The children of this AxiisSprite that act as the sprites that represent other data items from the layout's dataProvider.
drawToTargets() — method, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
Requests a draw for each graphics target specified in the graphicsTarget array.
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