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_fill — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
fill — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
Defines the fill object that will be used for rendering this geometry object.
fill — Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.GroupingBase
The fill applied to the drawingGeometries.
fill — Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.LineSeriesGroup
The fill used to render the area beneath the lines if area rendering is enabled.
fillBounds — Property, class com.degrafa.decorators.axiis.AreaLineDecorator
fillBounds — Property, class com.degrafa.decorators.axiis.BaseLineAreaLineDecorator
fills — Property, class org.axiis.DataCanvas
A placeholder for fills.
fills — Property, class org.axiis.core.AbstractLayout
A placeholder for fills used within this layout.
filters — Property, class com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry
An array of BitmapFilter objects applied to this Geometry.
findStatesForEventType(eventType:String) — method, class org.axiis.core.AxiisSprite
Returns a state from the states array with the eventType as its enterStateEvent.
fontColor — Property, class org.axiis.charts.axis.AxisBase
The color of the tick mark labels.
fontColor — Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.GroupingBase
The color of the labels.
fontColor — Property, class org.axiis.charts.labels.HBracket
The color of the label
fontColor — Property, class org.axiis.charts.labels.VBracket
The color of the label
fontFamily — Property, class org.axiis.charts.axis.AxisBase
The name of the font used to render the tick mark labels.
fontFamily — Property, class org.axiis.charts.axis.HCategoryAxis
font family of labels.
fontFamily — Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.GroupingBase
The name of the font used to render the labels.
fontFamily — Property, class org.axiis.charts.labels.HBracket
The fontFamily of the label
fontFamily — Property, class org.axiis.charts.labels.VBracket
The fontFamily of the label
fontSize — Property, class org.axiis.charts.axis.AxisBase
The size of the font used to render the tick mark labels.
fontSize — Property, class org.axiis.charts.axis.HCategoryAxis
font size of labels.
fontSize — Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.GroupingBase
The size of the font used to render the labels.
fontSize — Property, class org.axiis.charts.labels.HBracket
The font size of the label
fontSize — Property, class org.axiis.charts.labels.VBracket
The font size of the label
fontWeight — Property, class org.axiis.charts.axis.AxisBase
The weight ("normal" or "bold") of the tick mark labels.
fontWeight — Property, class org.axiis.charts.axis.HCategoryAxis
font weight of labels.
fontWeight — Property, class org.axiis.charts.groupings.GroupingBase
The weight ("normal" or "bold") of the labels.
fontWeight — Property, class org.axiis.charts.labels.HBracket
The weight of the label
fontWeight — Property, class org.axiis.charts.labels.VBracket
The weight of the label
foregroundGeometries — Property, class org.axiis.DataCanvas
An array of geometries that should be rendered in front of the layouts.
FreeDataTipManager — class, package org.axiis.managers
FreeDataTipManager will lay out a single data tip that follows the cursor as the user moves the mouse.
FreeDataTipManager() — Constructor, class org.axiis.managers.FreeDataTipManager
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